Manufacturing time is usually 3 to 5 working days after payment.
Please make sure that your images don’t contain violent, pornographic, forbidden, racist or discriminatory depictions.
Due to our manufacturing process, we need a bleed of 5 mm around the edges. Therefore, please make sure not to put logos, captions or important details right at the edge of the playmat. To be safe, give it 1,5 cm space from the edge.
Simply upload it in our editor and add the resulting product to cart.
After that you can cusomize more playmats and repeat the process.
The bigger, the better. We recommend a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1120 px.
Please make sure the ratio is around 24:14.
The bigger, the better. We recommend a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1920 px.
Please make sure the ratio is around 1:1
No! Inkscape is a free programm for resizing images.
Yes! For an additional charge of 10.00 euros, we will process your image so that the resolution is better and the print is sharper. We also do a color correction and saturation adjustment so that the colors of your Playmat come to life. Please note that we cannot do much with pictures with very low resolution (<300 pixels).
Neoprene bottom (anti slip), soft polyester playing surface, certified non toxic ink.
Yes, but we recommend manual washing.